Illarion Igorevich Girs, LLM
Master of International and European Law
International Lawyer, Mediator
Fair in deed, flexible in dealing
Mediate first
It's worth a try
Mediation is a consensual process in which a neutral, independent professional — mediator facilitates communication between the parties so that the parties can solve their issues themselves. The terms of the mediation and settlement are up to the parties to decide, and the mediator is there to help.

It's the most flexible, confidential to the max, and least formal way to settle a dispute, with a proven success rate of 70% and more.

It's the same legal as litigation but cost-effective and quick with common sense and humanity over formalism.

Peacemaking is at the core

  • Natural choice
Litigation lawyer-turned-mediator in 2021 for too many cases seen that could have had much better outcomes if only genuinely tried for out-of-court resolution. So, the turn into mediation was natural.

  • Highly qualified across the worlds
IMI Certified Mediator — the mediator of the highest professional class by standards of the International Mediation Institute (IMI) with professional training from Britain, Belorussia, USA, India, Switzerland and Russia, on top of extensive law practice rich in amicable settlements.

  • Integrity in mind
The IMI's Code of Professional Conduct — this is the ethics adhered to in general. In particular, flexible to practice under any appropriate regulations, and here, UNCITRAL Mediation Rules or WIPO Mediation Rules are some good points of reference for due process.
As a peacemaker the lawyer has a superior opportunity of being a good man.
There will still be business enough.

Abraham Lincoln, an American lawyer and statesman
'Notes on the Practice of Law', 1850
Learned in law
No-nonsense professional
A seasoned international generalist lawyer matured into a mediator and mediation advocate with a broad skill set and a keen eye for detail.

Well-versed in civil law with a good command of English contract law and a proven result-oriented ability to navigate the intricacies of different legal systems. The main legal background is commercial and corporate, though with a good deal of practice related to IP, constitutional, administrative, family, criminal law and human rights matters.

Professional score accounts for dozens of lawsuits, some corporate warfare, countless negotiations, and all sorts of deals.

The volume of projects advised on over two decades of law practice totals around $5 bn, and the geographical reach of the practice covers two dozen countries on three continents.

Go to law is an option
  • Courtroom tested troubleshooter
Worked on cases of different kinds and on all levels of domestic courts, plus the European Court of Human Rights and the UN Human Rights Committee. Skilled in handling multidisciplinary tasks, incl. work with the media and politically charged matters.

  • Easy-going international and multilingual
Lived and worked in different political, international and intercultural environments. National frontiers and differences can be tackled. Speaking the language of the case, ready to be where needed.

Working languages are Russian, English and Lettish.

  • Confidential to the max
Confidential to the greatest extent possible. The secrets entrusted are carefully guarded. This allows for trust-based communication, which is essential for fruitful mediation.

  • Above and beyond
Real life demands advice above and beyond pure lawyering, and it is integral to the services provided.
iGaming mediation
is worked through with
Kudos Mediation Firm